Why Is My Fiddle Leaf Dropping Leaves?

Fiddle leaf fig plant, scientifically called Ficus Lyrata, is a flowering plant native to lowland tropical forests such as Western Africa.

Currently, a social media star, the fiddle leaf plant enjoys indirect but bright sunlight, average water, indoor surroundings, and clean air. In addition, the fiddle leaf is a low-maintenance plant that can so be grown indoors. 

Fiddle leaf plants can grow as tall as 30-32 inches in height and can be placed indoors, outdoors, next to the door, in the house, on a side desk, as a centerpiece, and more.

It has big, veiny, and lush green leaves with a deep brown stem that adds a pop of color wherever they are kept. You can place fiddle leaf fig plants in both homes and offices for a professional as well as a warm, homey look.

Why Are Fiddle Leaves Drooping?

Healthy fiddle leaf fig plants are tall, and their leaves bright, lush green. Unhealthy fiddle leaf plants have droopy leaves and discolored patches on them.

There can be a few causes of unhealthy leaves such as:

1. Underwatering

Parched soil is hazardous for houseplants, especially fiddle leaf, which flourishes in a humid environment. A potential cause for the drooping of the leaves of a fiddle plant can be underwatering.

Check the dampness of the soil to ensure if this is the case. Next, water your plant once to twice a week and moisten the top two layers of the ground. 

If your soil is too dry, give it a soak by putting your plant in a tub/sink, filling the basin with 4 inches of water, and allowing the soil to soak water for about 45 minutes. 

Fun fact- the most common cause of drooping leaves in a fiddle leaf plant is under watering and a lack of moisture.

2. Overwatering

If drooping leaves are accompanied by yellow discoloration, overwatering of fiddle leaves may be the problem. Overwatering a plant leads to water logging, which prevents the xylem from transporting water for photosynthesis, essentially killing the plant.

Water the plant once or twice a week and always after checking the dampness of the soil.

Also Read: Why Do My Money Plant Leaves Turn Yellow?

3. Insufficient light

Fiddle leaf plants need bright, indirect sunlight. Being native to Western Africa, fiddle leaf needs abundant sunlight or artificial light; it can die in the absence of it.

If your plant is suffering from drooping leaves due to insufficient light, change its placement and keep it in a place with a bright source of light. For example, if you are confused, place it on a windowsill.

4. Lack of humidity

Lack of moisture in the air or humidity can also cause dropping leaves. To combat a lack of humidity, regularly spurt water on the leaves of the plant.

Also, place a pebble tray below the plant. Alternatively, use a humidifier to raise humidity levels in the room they are kept in.

5. In need of fertilization

Your plant may also have droopy leaves because it needs to be fertilized. Fertilizes help keep pests away and boost the nitrogen cycle and ensure adequate levels of minerals in the soil.

During the summer and spring months, fertilize the soil once a month. Do not fertilize during cold months. 

Also Read: How to Revive Dying String of Pearls?

Benefits of a fiddle leaf fig plant

Plenty of people only care for a fiddle leaf plant because they are beautiful, colorful, and easy to maintain. However, fiddle leaf pants are a beneficial plant that carries instruments for change in your physical and mental length.

Here are the benefits of the fiddle leaf plant-

#1. Air purifier

Fiddle leaf fig plant cleans the air of the room they are put in. However, fiddle leaves can pricy the air of harmful chemicals such as ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde. 

Fiddle leaf figs also improve the quality of the air by promoting healthy oxygen levels in the air. Ficus plants, the genus fiddle leaf, cleanse the air of chemicals and promote a healthy atmosphere. The bigger the fiddle leaf, the bigger a room it can purify.

#2. Boost physical health

The beauty of nature is a force in itself. Heart can heal, release and improve physical health. Many companies are using the power of plants to boost productivity in their employees. 

Fiddle leaf fig plants elevate mood, lower blood pressure, create a calming effect, and benefit the respiratory and nervous systems.

Having fiddle leaf plants in the office boosts productivity to improve the moods of people.

#3. Mental health benefits

Just like physical health, fiddle leaf plants also have Positive effects on mental health. In addition, these beautiful green plants are calming to look at and create a peaceful environment.

By increasing humidity levels and oxygen levels in the air and emanating calm, they promote a night of sound and restful sleep. So if you are an insomniac or have trouble sleeping, consider getting a fiddle leaf fig plant.

#4. Emotional bonds

Caring for a plant is similar to caring for a child, and people form bonds with their plants and start to care for them deeply. In numerous mental issues, apathy and loss of emotional connection can be a problem; caring for a plant can solve the issue.

#5. Concentration

It is believed that house plants like fiddle leaf figs boost concentration levels, focus, and as a consequence, productivity. 

A study done on elementary school students found that students were more attentive and full of concentration when taught in a class containing numerous house plants.

Also Read: Why are the Leaves Falling Off My Angel Wing Begonia?

Caring for a Fiddle Leaf 

Fiddle leaf fig plants are medium-to-large-sized lush, green plants having various benefits ranging from physical to emotional and mental. 

These plants are all the buzz on social media and are a trendy choice among house plants. However, they have been in trend for years, and their likability continues to grow.

Here is how you should take care of a fiddle leaf fig plant –

1. Placement

The fiddle leaf plant is native to western Africa and thrives in bright, indirect light. You can place this plant both indoors and outdoors, but you should ensure that enough sunlight or artificial light is available to it.

A good location is a prerequisite for a healthy and flourishing fiddle leaf plant. 

Choose a place away from air vents, drafts, and good ambient light. The plant enjoys a warm and humid environment. If you’re not very sure about the lighting situation, place the plant next to a window.

Whenever you water your plant, turn it around so that all the leaves receive equal sunlight. 

2. Watering

Like most house plants, overwatering and underwatering are very harmful to fiddle leaf fig plants. Fiddle leaf requires water once every week. Therefore, during scorching months you may water it twice a week.

As a safe measure, always check the dampness of the soil before watering a fiddle leaf fig plant. Fiddle leaves do well in evenly wet soil and short drying spells.

If your pot doesn’t allow for drainage, the fiddle leaf plant will die. To properly water a fiddle leaf, evenly pour water on the soil and place a container below the pot to catch extra water; allow the soil to dry for a few days before watering again.

3. Cleaning

Clean the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig plant once a week or once a month. When you first get a fiddle leaf, clean the spots on the leaves using a damp cloth.

Do not use coconut oil or other industrial cleaners as these can clog the leaves. Instead, use a damp cloth to wipe down the leaves gently. Regularly cleaning the eaves prevents pests, spider mites, etc.

4. Humidity

Fiddle leaf plants enjoy a warm, humid climate, and about 40% humidity is required. While most houses have an adequate humidity level, check the conditions in your home, and if too dry, mist spray your plant every once in a while.

5. Fertilizer

During the spring and summer months, fertilize your plant once a month with a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. You can also go green and choose an organ fertilizer. 

Do not fertilize the plant during winter and autumn as the plant is dormant then.

6. Repotting

You know it’s time to repot your plant when the plant looks too big for its current pot, and the roots start to grow out of the drainage holes; this generally takes one to two years.

Choose a new pot that is two inches bigger than the last one, and to repot, first add a few stones at the bottom of the new pot. This allows for better drainage.

Next, add a good, moisture-control, drainage-allowing soil and put it in the new pot; now, move your plant through the root ball and top off with more soil—water as usual.

Unknown facts about fiddle leaf

Did you know that fiddle leaf plants are a social media sensation? Unfortunately, there are many facts about this plant that most people don’t know. Most buy a fiddle leaf for its beauty, ignorant of its various benefits.

  • Fiddle leaves can’t grow from a leaf
  • They are a social-media star
  • Fiddle leaves can be both small and large
  • They are beneficial to the mental, physical and emotional health
  • It is native to Western Africa
  • You can revive a dying fiddle leaf fig by cutting off the top trunk 
  • Its trunk can grow back
  • Fiddle leaf needs a lot of humidity

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