Why are the Leaves Falling Off My Angel Wing Begonia?

People identify the name “angel wing begonia” with a beautiful plant that embraces large green leaves and heart shaped blossoms and flowers. 

This is also the reason why many people choose to grow Angel wing begonias as their houseplants. Growing to the maximum heights of ten feet, they are easy to grow, plant, and propagate.

These South American natives go by the scientific name of Begonia coccinea or begonia aconitifolia. While it is true that Angel wing begonias do not present much of a challenge while growing, it is also true that they are not as forgiving as their counterparts.

That is, if not taken seriously, these plants can backfire and revolt in ways that would create damage both to the plant and to your yield. One of these damaging conditions is the dropping leaves of angel wing begonias. 

In the following article, we would chalk out the causes that are responsible for such conditions and what can you do to treat them. 

Why Are the Leaves Falling Off My Angel Wing Begonia: Reasons and Solutions?

Have your begonia leaves started falling spontaneously? Are you confused? Well, don’t be! We have some of the most probable causes and their treatments listed below, that would surely help you out. 

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The most obvious cause is that you are overwatering your Angel wing begonias heavily. If the plants are not watered evenly, the effects start to show in their leaves. 

Call it the excessive weight or the after damage, but leaves cannot bear with the burden and start to fall off immediately. 


Do not water the plant over the leaves. Instead, do it near the base of the plant, on the soil. Further, install a container that offers good drainage properties. Do not let the water clog, and water the plant only when the soil gets visibly dry.  


Begonias, like other plants thrive in humid conditions, primarily because it supports their food needs and photosynthesis. If you place your plants outdoors, then you might not know about this problem.

However, the indoor conditions remain devoid of ample moisture and humidity that is otherwise required for plants to grow, thereby making their leaves dry and dead. 


Install a humidifier inside your house, and regulate the humid conditions as per the requirements of your plant. 

If you have a lot of plants indoors, you can also fetch yourself a mini greenhouse to create the right conditions for your plant.

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Given the beautiful flowers and blossoms, it would not be fair to imagine that angel wing begonias do not attract worms and insects. 

General worms, pests and insects sit over the leaves of your plant, thus making them dry, and in adverse conditions even killing them.

Cutworms are the most expected visitors on your begonia leaves.


Observe your plant regularly for any holes, or unusual spots. Inspect deeply for worms and insects. Next, get rid of them as soon as you spot them.

Use neem oil spray, and organic pesticides to do so. Remember to spray a little extra on the plant foliage and stem.

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Repotted recently? This should explain the sudden falling and rotting of your begonia leaves. If you have adopted an improper method of repotting, then you have possibly invited this problem upon yourself. 

Repotting during the wrong time, in the wrong pot size is another less known cause for Angel wing begonias shredding healthy leaves. 


Do not repot during the winter or summer seasons. These weather conditions do not present a favourable time for growing begonias in a new environment. 

At the same time, choose a pot that is slightly bigger than the previous pot. This will not restrict the movement of your plant, thereby making it easier for them to adapt to new surroundings. 

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Light is the most potent factor for carrying out the process of photosynthesis. Inspect the amount of light that your begonia needs, and create conditions that support the right kind of plant growth and flourishment. 

However, do not shower your plant with excess light. It will not do any good either. Sometimes the kind of begonia you foster does not demand ample light.


Spot the right place for your plant before growing them, either indoors or outdoors. The spot should receive regular, indirect, and bright light for most part of the day. 

Use grow lights (artificial) to give greater support to your plant during low light conditions. 

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Taking care of angel wing begonia 

You might have been successful in preventing your beautiful houseplants from shredding healthy leaves unnecessarily. But, how to make sure that your angel wing begonia remains healthy ever after? 

We have brought to your screens some of the general care and maintenance tips about your houseplants. Have a look at them and tell us how many you already follow!

  • To give proper attention and nutrition to your plants, it is important to feed them right. Fertilizers are the best source of nutrition for angel wing begonia. Select an organic liquid fertilizer and spray them over your plants weekly, or once in two weeks for best results.

A balanced fertilizer with NPK of 10-10-10 is preferred. 

  • A potting mixture that is moist and is filled with the goodness of organic matter is ideal to grow angel wing begonia. The root and stem system of this plant also demands a little heavy soil, since it allows the roots to spread and establish well. 
  • When choosing the potting material, always incline your preferences towards clay and terracotta, other than plastic and ceramic. The initial preferences will aid you in swiping away excess moisture from the pot. 
  • It does not matter if your plant is grown in outdoor soil or in a planting pot, excess sitting of water in the pot will lead to root rot and brown spots on their leaves. 
  • Pruning might create confusions for many plant lovers. But, that does not mean that we should not prune it. In fact, it is the most important practice. 

Pruning provides the plant with a fresh base to restart the growth process, making it healthier and bushier than before. 

An important tip for pruning is to regularly clean the shears when pruning different plants. This will essentially restrict the transmission of plant diseases from one plant to another. 

  • Flowering of Angel wing begonias take place only in the summer and during the onset of spring. To keep the blooming of these attractive flowers throughout the year, make sure to prick and pinch them off from the base very carefully. This practice would encourage the growth of new and beautiful flowers, varying in eye-catching colours. 
  • The best indoor place for growing angel wing begonias is near the east and west direction of the window. The light that comes through this direction is ideal for plants to thrive. 
  • There are numerous cultivars of an Angel wing begonia that are present commercially. Fortunately, these varieties do not expect different kinds of treatments and preventive measures. So, you can apply these tips to your plants, whether they are Begonia million kisses elegance, Begonia Apricot Shades, or Begonia Super cascade. 


Known for performing the best and growing in the most convenient conditions, angel wing begonias. While they are not particularly tough to grow, the aforementioned tips should make your planting experience easier and more fun. 

Keep reading more of our content to get easy growing, care, and maintenance tips for your houseplants. 

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